GeoMapApp© Recently-Added Data Sets
This page provides news about data sets recently-added to GeoMapApp. The DataLayers menu in which each new data set can be found is (listed in brackets). Data sets can also be found by activating the Searchable Tear-Off Menus and typing a search term in the text box. Please visit the eNewsletters and Development History pages for GeoMapApp version release updates.
August 2023
- Multibeam swath bathymetry footprint outlines for GEBCO_2023/GMRT and IHO DCDB swath tracks (Bathymetry and Land Topography)
- World maritime boundaries - Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs), Extended Continental Shelves, Territorial Seas, etc - (Overlays)
March 2023
- PetDB analytical geochemistry portal updated to March 2023 (Portals menu)
- USGS earthquake data tables updated to March 2023 (Geophysics)
- Earthquake Focal Mechanism Solutions (CMT) Portal updated with global CMT final solutions through November 2022 (Portals menu)
December 2022
- Global Heat Flow Database - International Heat Flow Commission (IHFC, 2021) (Geophysics)
- PetDB analytical geochemistry portal updated to November 2022 (Portals menu)
October 2022
- GlobSed sediment thickness data, version 3, Straume et al., 2019 (Geology, Geophysics)
- Multiibeam swath bathymetry footprint outlines for GEBCO_2022/GMRT and IHO DCDB swath tracks (Bathymetry and Land Topography)
August 2022
- PetDB analytical geochemistry portal updated (Portals menu)
July 2022
- USGS earthquake data tables updated through June 2022 (Geophysics)
- Earthquake Focal Mechanism Solutions (CMT) Portal updated with global CMT final solutions through March 2022 (Portals menu)
June 2022
- Southwest Indian Ocean Bathymetric Compilation (swIOBC), 250m grid, from Dorschel et al., 2017 (Bathymetry and Land Topography)
May 2022
- PetDB analytical geochemistry portal updated (Portals menu)
November 2021
- EMAG2 version 3 (2017) global magnetic anomaly data from NCEI (Geophysics)
June 2021
- Ice sheet thickness, surface elevation and bed topography for Antarctica and Greenland (NASA BedMachine v2, v3) (Cryosphere)
- USGS earthquake data tables updated through May 2021 (Geophysics)
- Earthquake Focal Mechanism Solutions (CMT) Portal updated with global CMT final solutions through December 2020 (Portals menu)
- Subducting slab geometries - the USGS Slab2.0 model (2018) (Geophysics)
- InterRidge Hydrothermal Vents Database, v3.4 (2020) (Geology)
- Global gravity free-air anomaly and vertical gravity gradient grids version 30.1 from Sandwell et al. (Geophysics)
June 2020
- USGS earthquake data tables updated through May 2020 (Geophysics)
- Earthquake Focal Mechanism Solutions (CMT) Portal updated with global CMT final solutions through January 2020 (Portals menu)
- Red Sea 30m gridded bathymetry from Augustin et al. 2011, 2012, 2018 surveys (Bathymetry and Land Topography)
- Azores archipelago 100m gridded bathymetry from the Mitchell et al. Arquipelago_2003 survey (Bathymetry and Land Topography)
November 2019
- USGS earthquake location tables updated through November 2019 (Geophysics)
- Earthquake Focal Mechanism Solutions (CMT) Portal updated with global CMT final solutions through July 2019 (Portals menu)
- Hudson River banks 1m and 2m LiDAR elevation data (Bathymetry and Land Topography)
October 2019
- Multibeam bathymetry compilation for the Chilean Baker-Martinez fjord system from Piret et al. (2019) (Bathymetry and Land Topography)
September 2019
- Juan de Fuca and Gorda plates P-wave velocity tomographic model from VanderBeek and Toomey (2019) (Geophysics, Focus Sites)
- Juan de Fuca Endeavour segment P-wave velocity tomographic model from Arnoux et al. (2019) (Geophysics, Focus Sites)
- East African Rift Malawi aeromagnetic survey data from Nyalugwe, Abdelsalam, et al. 2019 (Geophysics, Focus Sites)
August 2019
- Santorini P-wave velocity tomographic model from Heath et al. (2019) (Geophysics)
May 2019
- High-resolution multibeam bathymetry data for Monterey Canyon Coordinated Canyon Experiment (Paull and Caress) and for the Adriatic Sea Venice Lagoon (Tosa, Pizzeghello et al.) (Bathymetry and Land Topography)
March 2019
- Africa 3-D isotropic shear-wave velocity tomographic model from Emry et al. (2018) (Geophysics, Focus Sites)
- NOAA (2014) Puget Sound 10m bathymetry / land grid (Bathymetry and Land Topography)
- Continent outlines (Overlays)
January 2019
- USGS earthquake location tables updated through end of 2018 (Geophysics)
- Seismic velocity models of Kim et al. (2019) from the ETOMO (Endeavour segment) tomographic experiments (Geophysics, Focus Sites)
- Watersheds and global cities (Overlays, Human Impact)
December 2018
- Global gravity free-air anomaly and vertical gravity gradient grids version 24.1 from Sandwell et al. (Geophysics)
- GSFML global seafloor fabric and magnetic lineations picks (Geophysics)
- Earthquake Focal Mechanism Solutions (CMT) Portal updated with global CMT final solutions through May 2018 (Portals menu)
- North American sediment thickness data Mooney and Kaban, 2010 (Geology, Geophysics)
November 2018
- USGS State Geologic Map Compilation (SGMC), 2017 (Geology)
June 2018
- Cascadia offshore high-resolution processed seismic lines collected in 2017 on cruise RR1718 by Tominaga, Trehu and Lyle (Portals > Digital Seismic Reflection Profiles)
May 2018
- Reykjanes Ridge gravity FAA, magnetics, magnetisation and backscatter grids from Martinez and Hey (Geophysics, Bathymetry and Land Topography)
- USGS earthquake location table updated through April 2018 (Geophysics)
- Climate-related data sets (e.g. sea surface temperature, precipitation, cloud cover) from NASA/NOAA (Climatology)
April 2018
- USGS earthquake locations added for events in the past hour, day, week, month (Geophysics)
- Earthquake Focal Mechanism Solutions (CMT) Portal updated with global CMT final solutions through Sep 2017 (Portals menu)
January 2018
- Bathymetry data from Rob Beaman for Kerguelen Plateau, Great Barrier Reef/Coral Sea, Antarctica Adelie Land/ George V margin, and from Kaya Wilson for Australia NSW Sydney coastal waters (Bathymetry and Land Topography)
- Geochemical radio-isotopes and XRF Japan Trench data (McHugh et al., 2016) (Geochemistry)
November 2017
- Antarctic geothermal heat flux data derived from aeromagnetic Curie depth (Martos et al., 2017) (Cryosphere, Geophysics)
- USAP-DC Antarctica data sets list updated (Cryosphere, Overlays)
October 2017
- Volcanic gas emissions chemistry data for Mount Cleveland volcano (Aleutians) from Werner et al., 2017 (Geochemistry, Focus Sites)
- Cascadia subduction zone heat flow data from seafloor heat flow measurements (Johnson et al.) and derived from Bottom-Simulating Reflector (BSR) multi-channel seismic data by Salmi et al., 2017 (Geophysics, Focus Sites)
September 2017
- Botswana aeromagnetic survey data from Kolawole et al., 2017 (Geophysics, Focus Sites)
August 2017
- Indian Ocean flight MH370 search area Phase One bathymetry (Geoscience Australia, 2017) (Bathymetry and Land Topography)
- Seismic velocity models from the UNDERSHOOT (East Pacific Rise) and ETOMO (Endeavour segment) tomographic experiments (Geophysics, Focus Sites)
- East Pacific Rise bathymetry, crustal age, gravity, and magnetics grids for 12N-16N (Bathymetry and Land Topography, Geology, Geophysics)
- Reykjanes Ridge bathymetry and gravity from Martinez and Hey (Geophysics, Bathymetry and Land Topography)
June 2017
- BOEM Gulf of Mexico 12m gridded deep water bathymetry from 3-D seismic surveys (Bathymetry and Land Topography)
- Geological maps for eastern US updated (Geology)
- Earthquake Focal Mechanism Solutions (CMT) Portal updated with global CMT final solutions through Feb 2017 (Portals menu)
May 2017
- Antarctica LiDAR elevation data for McMurdo Dry Valleys and McMurdo Sound (2m-5m grids) (Bathymetry and Land Topography, Cryosphere)
- Rignot et al. 2017 version 2 Antarctic ice velocities (Cryosphere)
April 2017
- USAP-DC Antarctic ice core data sets list (Cryosphere, Overlays)
- Antarctica CryoSat-2 Digital Elevation Model (Bathymetry and Land Topography, Cryosphere)
- Antarctica: Mount Erebus LiDAR elevatons (2m grid) (Bathymetry and Land Topography, Cryosphere)
- Antarctic ice core locations, drainage basins, stations and bases locations, place names (Cryosphere, Overlays)
- Antarctic sub-glacial lake locations (Cryosphere, Overlays)
- Southern Ocean fronts (Oceanography, Overlays)
March 2017
- East African Rift geodetic plate velocity solutions from King et al. (Geophysics, Focus Sites)
- CWU and NMT Geodetic plate velocities for North America (Geophysics)
February 2017
- EarthScope PBO Plate Velocities PBO Plate Velocities (Geophysics)
- Spectrally-averaged global subduction zone residual bathymetry and gravity from Bassett and Watts (2015) (Geophysics, Focus Sites)
- BPCRC Polar Rock Repository sample locations (File > Import Data from WFS)
- Earthquake Focal Mechanism Solutions (CMT) Portal updated - now provides 46,813 global CMT final solutions to September 2016 (Portals menu)
November 2016
- MIDAS North America geodetic velocity data from UNR-NGL (Geophysics, Focus Sites)
- Juan de Fuca Axial Seamount fissures and lava flow outlines from Chadwick et al. (Geology, Focus Sites)
October 2016
- Cascadia margin: McCrory et al. Depth to Juan de Fuca subducting slab (Geophysics, Focus Sites)
- Geological maps for western US updated (Geology)
- Lakes and Rivers, graticules and nighttime lights added (Overlays)
- Submerged Continental Crust Magmatic Ages (Kimbrough et al., 2016) (Geochemistry, Focus Sites)
- PACES Gravity free-air and complete Bouguer anomaly data for US (Geophysics)
- Earthquake Focal Mechanism Solutions (CMT) Portal updated - now provides 46,019 global CMT final solutions to May 2016 (Portals menu)
September 2016
- USGS-ANSS earthquake data updated (Geophysics)
- EarthChem geochemistry data for GeoPRISMS and MARGINS focus sites updated (Geochemistry, Focus Sites)
- Seismic and Electrical Resistivity tomography models for the central US Mid-Continent Rift (MCR) (Yang et al., 2015) and New Madrid zone (OIINK-Vs, Chen et al., 2016); and S-wave velocities for the US Pacific Northwest (PNW10-S, Porritt et al., 2011) and for North America (NA07, Bedle and van der Lee, (2009) and SAWum-NA2, Yuan and Romanowicz, (2011)) (Geophysics, Focus Sites)
August 2016
- USGS bathymetric compilation of the Eastern North American margin (version 2, 2016) and Puerto Rico (2014) (Bathymetry and Land Topography, Focus Sites)
- Seismic tomography models for the Andes and Andes Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex (Ward et al., 2013, 2014); Western US crustal thickness (Gilbert, 2012); and, the DNA13 Porritt et al. (2014) P- and S-wave velocity perturbations for the contiguous United States (Geophysics, Focus Sites)
June 2016
- Line Islands Ridge, Kingman Reef, Palmyra Atoll bathymetry grids from Law of the Sea surveys KM1520 and RB1601 (Bathymetry and Land Topography)
- US Census Bureau Cities data set (Human Impact)
May 2016
- Crustal thickness grids, mantle Bouguer anomaly and residual mantle Bouguer anomaly grids from Gregg et al., (2007) for ocean transforms at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, East Pacific Rise, Juan de Fuca Ridge and Southeast Indian Ridge (Geophysics, Focus Sites)
- Earthquake Focal Mechanism Solutions (CMT) Portal updated - now provides 45,320 global CMT final solutions to January 2016 (Portals menu)
April 2016
- Oklahoma magnetics data from Keller/OGS/NGDS (Geophysics)
- High-resolution Sentry AUV bathymetry and sidescan survey data from Smith et al., (2014) for the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 16.5N (Geophysics, Focus Sites, Bathymetry and Land Topography)
- NOAA 30-year-averaged climate data for 100 US Cities (Climatology)
- Gao and Shen (2014) Cascadia region shear-wave ambient noise tomographic model (Geophysics, Focus Sites)
March 2016
- WGM2012 global gravity grids (Geophysics)
- Bathymetry grid of Santorini from 1848 UK Admiralty surveys (Watts) (Bathymetry and Land Topography)
- Earthquake Focal Mechanism Solutions (CMT) Portal updated - now provides 44,797 global CMT final solutions to October 2015 (Portals menu)
December 2015
- CRUST 1.0 crustal and sediment thicknesses and depth to Moho (Geophysics)
November 2015
- New York City 1m LiDAR elevation data (Bathymetry and Land Topography)
- Earthquake Focal Mechanism Solutions (CMT) Portal updated - now provides 44,059 global CMT final solutions to June 2015 (Portals menu)
October 2015
- Cascade arc volcanoes 3m LiDAR elevation data (Bathymetry and Land Topography)
- GeoMapApp v3.6.0 released
September 2015
- Seafloor lithology data set from Dutkiewicz et al., (2015) (Geochemistry, Geology)
If you wish to contribute data to GeoMapApp, please contact us at Thanks!